The Fujifilm X100VI delays

Apparently it’s still hard to get a Fujifilm X100VI.

In an April 2024 interview, Fujifilm admits that they make 15,000 units a month, which is twice as much as for the previous model, and that they are looking at increasing it. Also the rumor has that they have a 500,000 order backlog. That number is unconfirmed, but with some light math, we can guesstimate it would take over 33 month to fulfill!

This backlog has people that really want one, people that ordered from multiple retailer as to jump the queue, people that are still undecided, and scalpers.

It seems that today the only way to get one is:

  • Place an order and wait an unknown amount of time (tbf I haven’t inquired one of my local retailer yet).
  • Buy it from an Amazon or eBay blessed scalper for twice the price (they are part of the problem, so no way).
  • Buy used from a disappointed user, but then it’s likely still more than buying new.
  • Be an influencer.
Amazon listing for Fujifilm X100VI. Shows two buying options at $3119.99 and $3589.95.
Fujifilm X100VI Amazon Scalpers, September 2024

At that point I have to forego the trying it out phase, and have to place an order if I want one. With a little luck the X100VII will be announced and either it will be cheaper or I will have to move up to the next level.

Meanwhile, it’s not like I don’t have any camera to shoot. My X-Pro1 still works (I got it repaired a few years ago) and the X-T3 as well. Not forgetting that the Olympus E-P1 still works, unlike the G7X MkII that can’t be replaced, and the 5DMkII is still in order. Lately, I also have been using an original Ricoh GR Digital 2 (the small sensor from 2007). And I have a stash of film in the freezer with both 35mm and medium format. Maybe I don’t need a new camera after all…

Previously: Fujifilm once struggled to sell cameras…, Fujifilm upgrades

Link: Fujifilm once struggled to sell cameras…

Reuters: Fujifilm once struggled to sell cameras. Now, it can’t keep up with demand

After it sold out last year, the company increased production in China to double the launch volume for the VI that debuted in March,

The X100 VI is still not available anywhere as I’m pondering a Fujifilm upgrade. They claim to have manufactured even more.

But the long waitlists and steep prices may drive customers to competitors, such as Canon’s G7X

Pardon? Can someone tell me where the G7X MkIII is available? I can’t find it anywhere from B&H to my local camera stores. And don’t mention the scalpers on Amazon.

Anyway good on Fujifilm with their success. I love my X series not everybody like Sony.

Link: Two-Thirds of the Limited Edition X100VI Sales in the U.S. Were Fraudulent

Petapixel reports Two-Thirds of the Limited Edition X100VI Sales in the U.S. Were Fraudulent.

Scalpers are enabled by ebay and Amazon. But then I see no purpose of “limited edition” items either. Such a camera is meant to be used.

To be fair, I’d like a Fujifilm X100VI, but the regular one, as it will take the same images than the limited edition but definitely cost less.