Instax hack: Wide/Square adapter

Keigo Moriyama on Emulsive explains How to shoot Instax Square in an Instax Wide camera:

One of the characteristics of these [instant film] cameras is that we can choose only one format for one camera.


The adapter design is a really simple one. Just a few rectangular shapes extruded here and there to fit in both wide and square format.

Keigo then demonstrate the prototype in a video:

It’s interesting to see all the hacks around Instax cameras.

CineStill powdered film developer

CineStill has announced a powdered version of their film developers, one for Black & White and one for colour C-41.

Beyond saving on shipping, the price of the kits themselves are more affordable. The Df96 monochrome development kit costs $16.99, while the Cs41 color development kit costs $24.99, $3 and $1 cheaper than the liquid versions, respectively.

The price difference is small, but Living in Canada I can’t easily order liquid film chemistry from US retailers. So should make it easier to ship.

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DIY waist level shooter

Turn a point and shoot to a waist level camera.

Interesting DIY idea, including the use of the PowerShot N that is currently dirt cheap to do that (~130USD$ on B&H) that seem to have been meant to be used like that.

As for the usefulness, I can tell that the way you hold your camera will change the way you see through it – this is why I have totally different results when using my TLR. This is almost like freestyle shooting. And it might bring in question from people – I have had people asking about my TLR when shooting – kind of a conversation starter.

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Personalised and unique iPhone cover

No, I’m not trying to pimp a specific brand of cellphone and its accessory, but Say hello to iPlate is a awesome DIY project where the author uses wet collodion glass plate, and old photographic process, to make a personalised iPhone cover. This could work for any device that uses glass, or something that can be replaced by a glass plate.

Digitising film with a DSLR

Scanning Film Negatives With A DSLR – A Maker’s Guide by DIY photography.

Right now I can get higher resolution and better image quality that what street labs give you on CD.

It is not just a matter of photographing the film with a digital camera. There is must much work behind the scene, and given the price and rarity of film scanner, and the performance of even high end flatbed scan with film support like Epson V600 and V700, it might be worth it. I have always thought I good do it that way, but never went the extra effort to actually do it properly. It is probably way easier with black and white.

Remember, slide duplication was done that way, albeit with a specialised duplication film that had some very specific characteristics.

When I build one of these rigs, I’ll let you know.